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P246 Survey of implant removals in a young people’s sexual health service
  1. F McGregor,
  2. J Hammond,
  3. K Jones
  1. Archway Sexual Health Centre, London, UK


Background/introduction A trend for young people (YP) to abandon the contraceptive implant because of intolerable side effects has been noted. YP aged 21 and under attend our Sexual Health (SH) services in London for implants at a rate of 3 inserted to every 2 removed. Replacement of a removed implant is rare: 1 replacement implant to 32 removed. We decided to investigate our clinic population for this trend.

Aim(s)/objectives To identify profile of YP who have implant removals, reasons for removal and formulate on-going support mechanisms.

Methods Staff completed questionnaires on 20 implant removals to ascertain YP profiles and reasons for remova.

Discussion/conclusion Unscheduled bleeding is the most common reason for premature removal of implants, however many reported multiple reasons. All removals except one required on-going reliable contraception, but none were willing to reinsert implant. These clients require support to continue this very effective form of contraception: future support includes: Identify who may require monitoring; Stress choices at outset; Offer bleeding management at early stage; Follow up new insertions at 6/52 via telephone support from Health Advisor or Nurse. Ongoing work will include monitoring and surveys on post TOP removals.

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