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P254 Safeguarding children in sexual health services – a growing concern
  1. Christine Donohue,
  2. Nicola Fearnley,
  3. Sophie Brady
  1. Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Bradford, West Yorkshire, UK


Background Additional focus on child sexual exploitation (CSE) and high profile safeguarding cases within the media has impacted on workload within sexual health services. Our trust has established pathways for sharing information about the most vulnerable children in the form of named nurse (for safeguarding children) notifications (NNN). These facilitate the triangulation of information and senior review of cases. Following integration in 2011 we have emphasised the need for all clinical staff working across different sites to recognise children at risk and notify cases.

Aim To quantify the NNN made from our integrated service as a measure of safeguarding children workload.

Methods Numbers of safeguarding referrals in the form of NNN initiated by our service over 3 years were obtained from the NNN database.

Results10 database entries were undated: 5 closed in 2012; 5 in 2013.

Discussion The workload in managing children at risk has increased as demonstrated by the large rise in NNN. It is important that the additional workload falling upon teams is recognised and particularly the disproportionate burden falling upon health advisors who may be supporting the young people in addition to advising colleagues. The marked increase may have resulted from community staff gaining more experience in recognising the signs of children in need. Further training, supervision and the use of a standardised proforma across all sites may also have contributed.

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