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S09.2 The prevalence of chlamydia among 16 to 29 year olds in australia
  1. Alaina Vaisey
  1. University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia


The Australian Chlamydia Control Effectiveness Pilot (ACCEPt) is a cluster randomised controlled trial that aims to measure the effectiveness of a chlamydia testing intervention in general practice. Over 140 general practice clinics are participating in ACCEPt in 54 geographical areas across four Australian states (Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland and South Australia). The primary outcome of ACCEPt is change in chlamydia prevalence among 16 to 29 year old men and women attending general practice. This will be assessed as the difference in chlamydia prevalence between a survey conducted prior to randomisation in all participating clinics (survey 1) and a survey conducted at the conclusion of the trial (survey 2).

Both surveys have identical methodology. A research assistant employed by the research team is based in each of the participating clinics and invites consecutive patients to participate as they arrive for a consultation with a doctor. Men and women are eligible if they are 16–29 years old and have ever had vaginal and/or anal sex. Participants provide a self-collected urine specimen or vaginal swab for chlamydia testing and complete a questionnaire. The questionnaire includes items about demographic characteristics, sexual behaviour, reasons for attending and genital symptoms. Sexual behaviour questions includes number of partners in the last 12 months, concurrency (two or more overlapping partnerships), duration of most recent partnership and condom use (inconsistent or consistent use with most recent partner). The first survey was conducted between 2010 and 2012 with over 4000 men and women tested and an overall chlamydia prevalence of 4.6% (95% CI: 3.9%, 5.3%). The second survey commenced in July 2014 and will be completed in August 2015. Over 3,400 men and women had been recruited as of the end of June 2015. The results of the second survey will be presented and its findings compared with survey 1.

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