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P13.02 Female genital cosmetic surgery toolkit for general practitioners and other health professionals
  1. Magdalena Simonis
  1. Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, Fellow, Co-Chair Women in General Practice, General Practice and Primary Health Care Academic Centre, University of Melbourne, Victorian Primary Care Practice-Based Research Network (VicReN), Melbourne, Victoria, Australia


Background Female Genital Cosmetic Surgery (FGCS) is any procedure not medically indicated which aims to achieve aesthetic or functional aspects a woman’s genitalia.1 Figures from Medicare Australia indicate the number ow women undergoing FGCS has increased 140 percent in the past ten years (, with out rise in the indigence of disease conditions that warrant surgery. The fastest increase is in women aged 15–25 years.2 GPs are increasingly seeing patients presenting with concerns about the appearance of their genitalia and or seeking surgery. RACGP has responded by agreeing to the development of the FGCS Toolkit for GPs and other health professionals. Reviewers include key international researchers.

Aims To inform GPs and health professionals around FGCS, factors influencing demand and provide a set of recommendations on how to manage women who present for referral or expressing concern regarding their genital appearance.

Method Medline and PubMEd were searched for relevant articles until saturation was achieved in 2015. These were then hand searched. Time frame restrictions were not applied.

Results There is paucity of high quality evidence in the area of FGCS therefore all recommendations in this document should be considered at national Health and medical Research Council (NHMRC) practice point level.

Conclusion Claiming demand for FGCS in the community has resulted int the urgent need to provide guidance to the profession. There are similatrities in the rate of increase for FGCS in the UK, USA and western Europe. As research continues, it will serve to expand and broaden our understanding of the issues raised.

Disclosure of interest statement RACGP fellow and National Standing Committee member Quality Care Women’s Health Victoria Board member.


  1. Bramwell R, Morland C, Garden AS. Expectations and experience of labial reduction: a qualitative study. BJOG Int J Obstet Gynaecol. 2007;114:1493–99

  2. McDougall LJ. Towards a clean slit: how medicine and notions of normality are shaping female genital aesthetics. Cult Health Sex. 2013;15:774–87.

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