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P14.21 The impact of the iec (information, education and communication) in the affidavit of sex workers
  1. Floribert Monga Lisangi
  1. Study Realized by the Youth Center Coulibaly Sidiki of the University of Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo)


Background Sex workers (sw) constitute a very important group in the transmission of HIV infection. Their sanitary and social follow-up has an impact in the prevention of HIV infection. Among strategies implemented at the youth centre Coulibaly sidiki of university of Kinshasa, the IEC occupies a very important place. We have realised a study in order to determine the impact of the IEC in the affidavit and prevention of STI and HIV next to sex workers.

Methods It’s about prospective, descriptive study realised at the youth centre Coulibaly sidiki of the University of Kinshasa on a period of 3 months (September to November 2012).

We have included Sex Workers enrolled to socio-sanitary file of the centre, who came to make their medical visit during the period of study and who accepted to participate to the study.

They have been questioned through mid-directive questions sheet, oriented for the following data: socio-demographic data, questions concerning the sanitary follow-up, on going of IEC sessions, the impact of IEC sessions, in end some open question was devoted to possibility suggestions of SW to increase their follow-up.

Result Fifty two Sex workers were included. The mean age was 35 years. Among all of them 99% was Christians. The majority of SW was living at Kinshasa (75%). 62% were divorced; 24% single; 6, 5% widows. Among SW: 16 or 40% had minor children. More than the half of SW did not have an other professional activity and their intellectual level was low. During the IEC sessions 87% of SW were choosing themselves the themes to discuss: STI and HIV/AIDS (26%), police harassment (12, 5%); the solidarity between SW (16%). The frequency of STI was 65, 7% before the IEC sessions and 68% of SW ignored the type of STI. Systematic using of condom was 78, 5%. Concerning evaluation of their knowledge in the field of fighting against HIV and STI, acquired through IEC session: 30% knew the HIV transmission’s way, 14, 5% recognised easily a STI.

Suggestions reached out by Sex Workers was to sustain session of IEC 37,5%; diversify themes 15%; changing schedule of IEC 12,5%. A reconversion in others professional’s activities and a funding of activity that generates profit (AGP) was the mains preoccupations of Sex Workers.

Conclusion Sex workers occupied an important place in the HIV and STI propagation because they constitute a gangway with the general population. The IEC is still to increase to acquire the best strategies of HIV and STI infection’s prevention.

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