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P14.29 Establishment of health research ethics and capacity building of human resources and infrastructure in nigeria
  1. MN Otuonye1,
  2. FO Nwaokorie1,
  3. D Suprumont2,
  4. T Halidou3,
  5. Morenike Ukpong4
  1. 1Nigerian Institute of Medical Research, Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria
  2. 2Institute de Droit de La Sante, Faculty de Droit Neuchatel Switzerland
  3. 3RSS-DRO/Centre Muraz 01, Bobo Dioulass Burkina Faso
  4. 4University of Ife Osun State Nigeria


Background The purpose of this project was to train Health Personnel and Biomedical researchers to design protocols with ethical integrity and to approve the conduct of protocols with scientific merit.

Methodology Forty eight (48) biomedical researchers comprising of biomedical researchers and health professionals, legal officers, clergy, community representative were trained on Human subject protection and ethical review of research protocols. This comprises of Basic principles and international guidelines on bioethics, Basics of Research and Clinical Trials, Ethical review of research protocols. Other slides that were presented included: Standard of care and prevention, research protocol, GPP, GCP, Informed consent, HIV treatment, monitoring of research conduct etc. The training modules used for this training was approved by the National Health Research Ethics Committee according to the International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involving human subjects. A Pre and Post-test was used to evaluate participants’ performance. The HREC office infrastructure was strengthened and they are now registering with NHREC. Stata 12 statistical software was used for data analysis.

Results The pre- and post-test evaluation indicated that participants’ knowledge improved significantly in conduct of ethically sound research (30.3% vs 65.0%, p = 0.001). A 15 membership HREC was constituted by the NHREC and officially handed over to the management of Ambrose Alli Uiversity.

Conclusion Training of biomedical researchers, increased their knowledge and skill in reviewing research protocols, and conduct research that is ethically regulated and of international standard. This would maintain public confidence that individuals’ autonomy would be respected.

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