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007.1 New and traditional notification tools improve partner notification outcomes among msm with syphilis infection in lima, peru
  1. Jesse Clark1,
  2. Catherine Oldenburg2,
  3. Eddy Segura1,
  4. Jessica Rios3,
  5. Manuel Villaran3,
  6. Javier Salvatierra3,
  7. Pedro Gonzales3,
  8. Deb Levine4,
  9. Jorge Sanchez3,
  10. Javier Lama3
  1. 1David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles
  2. 2Harvard University School of Public Health
  3. 3Asociacion Civil Impacta Salud Y Educacion
  4. 4ISIS, Inc


Background Patient-initiated partner notification (PN) is a cornerstone of STD control in resource-limited public health systems. We conducted a randomised, controlled trial of two new tools to support PN among MSM: anonymous, internet-based notification systems and patient-delivered partner referral cards.

Methods We screened 1,625 MSM for syphilis in Lima, Peru between 2012–2014. Enrollment was limited to MSM with symptomatic primary or secondary syphilis (n = 133) and/or latent syphilis diagnosed by RPR/TPPA (n = 406; Seroprevalence: 25.0%). After enumerating all recent partners and providing details of their three most recent partners, 370 participants were randomly assigned to four intervention arms: 1) Standard PN Counselling (Control) [n = 94]; 2) Counselling and Referral to Internet PN ( [n = 95]; 3) Counselling and Provision of 5 Partner Referral Cards [n = 97]; or 4) Counselling with both Internet PN and Partner Referral Cards [n = 84]. Self-reported notification of recent sexual partners was assessed by CASI among the 354 participants who returned for 14-day follow-up.

Results The median age of participants enrolled was 27 (IQR: 23–34), with a median of 3 partners (IQR: 1–5) in the past month and a baseline HIV seroprevalence of 64.1%. Participants referred to internet PN (Arms 2 and 4) or provided with printed partner referral cards (Arms 3 and 4) were more likely to have notified ≥1 partners at 14-day follow-up than participants who received only PN counselling (OR: 2.26 [95% CI: 1.33, 3.82] and 1.94 [95% CI: 1.15, 3.27], respectively). The fraction of all recent partners notified was significantly greater in the Internet PN (56.5%, p < 0.001) and Referral Card (50.8%, p = 0.006) arms than the Control arm (35.3%).

Conclusions Internet notification systems and printed partner referral cards provide inexpensive, effective tools to support patient-directed PN, significantly improving notification by Peruvian MSM with syphilis. Additional research is needed to optimise use of different PN technologies in specific partnership contexts.

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