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P01.02 A regional sexual and reproductive health campaign providing clinical education and health promotion activities in 2015 for aboriginal health services and communities in the western district of victoria
  1. B Whitton1,2,
  2. R Kinsey1,
  3. N Waretini1,
  4. W Toppin3,
  5. M Connelly3,
  6. K Byron4,
  7. T Onus-Williams4,
  8. A Steele5
  1. 1Wulumperi Unit, Melbourne Sexual Health Centre
  2. 2School of Population Health, University of Melbourne
  3. 3Dhuawurd Wurrung Elderly and Community Health Service
  4. 4Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation
  5. 5Family Planning Victoria


Introduction Providing sexual and reproductive health services for Aboriginal communities in regional Victoria can be a challenge. High rates of Chlamydia, Hepatitis C and unplanned pregnancies are a concern for communities. Victorian Aboriginal Health Services (AHS) partner with state based specialist organisations to assist with clinical education of the AHS workforce and the communities’ health promotion needs. A partnership between the Dhauwurd Wurrung Elderly and Community Health Service (DWECH) in Portland, Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO), Wulumperi Unit Melbourne Sexual Health Centre (MSHC) and Family Planning Victoria (FPV) strives to address these ongoing needs in 2015.

Methods Clinical education was organised by DWECH for four AHS in the region and was delivered by MSHC and FPV at DWECH. Participants were Nurses and Aboriginal Health Workers from DWECH (Portland), Gunditjmara Aboriginal Cooperative (Warrnambool), Kirrae Community Health Service (Framlingham) and Windamara Aboriginal Cooperative (Heywood). The aim of the education was to increase workforce capacity by educating local AHS staff about clinical sexual and reproductive health topics and available health promotion resources.

Results The Deadly Sexy Heath Kit (health promotion resource for AHS staff) developed by VACCHO and health promotion programs developed by MSHC (Young Peoples Sexual and Reproductive Health, Sacred Sistas, Deadly Dudes) were delivered in the region to Aboriginal Communities. The individual AHS in the region will monitor their client attendance and service delivery over the 2015 period. It is expected that the AHS will see an increase in screening for Chlamydia and Hepatitis C and sexual and reproductive health awareness as a result of the health promotion activities delivered to the communities.

Conclusion Ongoing clinical sexual and reproductive health education and support of the AHS workforce and targeted health promotion programs will improve the sexual and reproductive health needs of the Aboriginal communities living in the western district of Victoria.

Disclosure of interest statement Nil.

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