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Sexualised drug use in people attending sexual health clinics in England
  1. Hamish Mohammed1,
  2. John Were1,
  3. Carina King1,2,
  4. Martina Furegato1,
  5. Anthony Nardone1,
  6. Gwenda Hughes1
  7. on behalf of the GUMCADv3 Steering Group
    1. 1 HIV & STI Department, Public Health England, London, UK
    2. 2 Research Department of Infection and Population Health, University College London, London, UK
    1. Correspondence to Dr Hamish Mohammed, Principal STI Prevention & Surveillance Scientist, HIV & STI Department, National Infection Service, Public Health England, 61 Colindale Avenue, London, NW9 5EQ, UK; hamish.mohammed{at}

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    Recent evidence highlights an increase in ‘chemsex’, the use of recreational drugs during sex, in men who have sex with men (MSM) and an association with risky sexual behaviours and outbreaks of STIs.1 However, the extent of sexualised drug use in people attending sexual health clinics (SHCs) is unknown.

    STI surveillance in England is performed by Public Health England (PHE) using a disaggregated patient-level dataset of all diagnoses and services at SHCs.2 This is a minimum dataset with key demographic and clinical variables, but lacks behavioural data. To address this gap, PHE …

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    • Collaborators The members of the GUMCADv3 Steering Group are as follows: Afra Barrett, Jackie Cassell, Laura Clark, Claudia Estcourt, Iain Galloway, Nigel Field, Patti Green, James Hardie, Leigh Holmes, Peter Horne, Gwenda Hughes, Hamish Mohammed, Monty Moncrieff, Anthony Nardone, David Phillips, David Stuart, Ann Sullivan and Sonali Wayal.

    • Ethics statement As GUMCADv2 is a routine public health surveillance activity, no specific consent was required from the patients whose data were used in this analysis. PHE has permission to handle data obtained by GUMCADv2 under section 251 of the UK National Health Service Act of 2006 (previously section 60 of the Health and Social Care Act of 2001), which was renewed annually by the ethics and confidentiality committee of the National Information Governance Board until 2013. Since then the power of approval of public health surveillance activity has been granted directly to PHE.

    • Funding Public Health England (Innovation Fund).

    • Competing interests None declared.

    • Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; internally peer reviewed.

    • ▸ Acknowledgements and Contributors to this paper are available online at