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P029 HIS-UK Condom Study: An intervention development study working with young men to improve condom use skills and enhance condom use experiences
  1. Cynthia Graham1,
  2. Sydney Anstee1,
  3. Nicole Stone1,
  4. Katherine Brown2,
  5. Katie Newby2,
  6. Roger Ingham1
  1. 1University of Southampton, Southampton, UK
  2. 2Coventry University, Coventry, UK


Background The Kinsey Institute® Homework Intervention Strategy (KIHIS), designed to improve condom skills, enjoyment and self-efficacy, has demonstrated early evidence of efficacy in U.S. studies. The KIHIS places the impetus for change on the individual through solitary practice: experimenting with different condoms/lubricants; identifying best ‘fit & feel’; and focusing on physical sensations.

Aim(s)/objectives To identify behaviour change techniques (BCTs) in KIHIS; to adapt and develop KIHIS for the UK context; to manualise and evaluate HIS-UK.

Methods Literature synthesis to identify additional BCT components and methods of delivery to address condom fit and feel.’Stakeholder and user consultation through qualitative interviews (n = 15 men aged 16–25); advisory groups (e.g. consultants, commissioners); workshops (e.g. health promotion professionals)

Results Searches of online databases, July 2015, identified 1044 condom use intervention studies published since 2006; of these,’123 studies tested the effectiveness of behavioural interventions on condom use in high income countries – and only five targeted ‘fit & feel’ issues. In total 22 BCTs were identified, 16 of which were selected for inclusion in HIS-UK. Consultations have demonstrated enthusiasm for this ‘fit & feel’ approach, have enabled us to gauge UK preferences (e.g. condom kit contents) and have informed adaptation of the intervention.

Discussion This work ensures that the targeted outcomes, behaviour determinants and proposed mechanisms of action for HIS-UK are specified, so that future conclusions can be drawn about what works and why. An adapted and manualised intervention is currently being piloted for viability and operability among 50 men aged 16–25 years.

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