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P051 An audit of bloodborne virus screening and safer sex advice for sex workers
  1. Luke Cannon,
  2. Cara Saxon,
  3. Sameena Ahmad
  1. University Hospital South Manchester, Manchester, UK


Background/introduction Commercial Sex Workers (CSW) are at increased risk of STIs including Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and, for some, Hepatitis C virus (HCV) and sexual assault. These risks can be reduced by vaccination, post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) awareness and condoms.

Aim(s)/objectives To audit management against clinic policy with respect to documentation of: HBV status; offering vaccination (vacc.) to HBV negative; HCV test; HIV test; PEP information/awareness and offer of condoms. Additional data was collected on new/prior STIs, recreational drugs, and same sex contact.

Methods Casenotes of all attenders between 01/01/12 and 30/09/15 with a SW code were reviewed and additional data collected regarding vaccine uptake.

Results 56 (7 males (12.5%), 49 females (87.5%)) individuals with a total of 243 episodes, with a median of 3 (1–17) visits, were identified. Median age of 30 (range 18–63) with 51 (91%) of white British ethnicity. 38 (67.9%) reported an STI diagnosis prior to the period audited and 13 (23.2%) had ≥1 new STI during this period, median 1 (1–3). 21 (37.5%) reported current/recent use of recreational drugs and 31/54 (57.4%) documented same sex contact, (including MSM contact for females). PEPSE was issued at 2/243 (0.8%) of episodes.

Abstract P051 Table 1

Blood borne viruses in sex workers

Discussion/conclusion The main limitation of the audit was dependence on SW code. Performance was good (>95%) for HBV documentation at first/subsequent visits, offer of HIV test, whilst HCV testing and documentation re. condoms and PEPSE awareness were suboptimal (45–80%). None were IVDU, and policy re. HCV testing in CSW will be reviewed given the low positivity rate.

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