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Background/introduction This was a retrospective analysis of clinic performance in the management and treatment of Neisseria gonorrhoeae (GC) according to the current British Association of Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH) guidelines.
Methods All cases of GC diagnosed in our clinic between 1st January and 30th June 2015 were identified. The case notes were reviewed and assessed against current BASHH criteria. This was compared to data collected at the same clinic for the same six months in 2007 to 2014. The total number of cases identified in 2015 were 151.
Discussion/conclusion To my knowledge, this is the longest continuous audit of the management of N.gonorrhoea in the UK. I have seen continuous improvements in the performance of all five domains. We introduced an electronic reminder to provide patients with an information leaflet at the end of 2014. This has shown a marked improved from 27% to 74%. We aim to achieve full BASHH compliance in 2016.