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Introduction Lymphangioma Circumscriptum (LC) is a vascular malformation resulting from a developmental anomaly of the lymphatic system. The common sites for the anomaly include trunk, axilla, thigh, buttock area and the oral cavity. It is a rare for LC to occur on the penis.
Aim To increase awareness of this rare condition which may mimic sexually transmitted infections such as genital warts.
Methods Review of clinical notes and case presentation.
Results Description of the case: A 47 years old Afro-Caribbean man presented with a long-standing wart-like lesion on the dorsal aspect of his penis. Treatment in the past included cryotherapy and podophyllotoxin. There were no symptoms of itching, bleeding, change in size or pigmentation. The initial clinical impression was a genital wart. However on examination it was smooth to palpation despite its warty appearance. An excision biopsy was performed for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Histology results showed penile LC.
Discussion LC is the commonest superficial type of lymphangiomas. Penile LC is rare and it maybe congenital or acquired. There was no identifiable predisposing factor in our case. LC presents with varying sizes of persistent vesicles, which are saccular dilations arising from underlying lymphatic vessels. Incidence of LC is high soon after birth. The vesicles may undergo verrucous changes and give the appearance of warts and therefore they may be mistaken for genital warts or molluscum contagiosum. Surgical treatment is the mainstay of treatment for LC.