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Introduction We present a retrospective analysis of clinic performance in the 5 domains of management and treatment of Neisseria gonorrhoeae (GC) according to current British Association of Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH) guidelines.
Methods All cases of GC diagnosed at our clinic between 1st January and 30th June 2016 were identified. The case notes were reviewed and assessed against current BASHH criteria. This was compared with data from the same clinic for the same six months (1st January to 30th June) in 2007-2015.
Results 87% of patients treated for GC were recommended to have a test of cure (TOC) (61% had a TOC.). 100% of with GC were screened for Chlamydia trachomatis or received presumptive treatment for this. 88% of patients with GC had partner notification carried out. 56% of patient’s received written information about GC. 97% of patients with GC received 1st line treatment, or the reason for not doing so was documented.
Discussion We have demonstrated consistent improvement in 2 of the 5 domains compared with previous years’ data. Recommending a test of cure, partner notification and offering patient information leaflets have decreased over the last year. To address this, teaching sessions were carried out and a quality improvement project to ensure patient information leaflets are offered is underway.
Further staff training and awareness of management of N.gonorrhoeae will be addressed on a regular basis and a re-audit is recommended next year.