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Introduction With increasing financial constraint and commissioning pressures, GUM providers need to develop services to improve clinical care and cut costs. In order to provide fully integrated sexual health provision we introduced trans-vaginal ultrasound scanning to assess IUD/IUS position and placement as well as scanning for deep implants in August 2016 at a central London clinic.
Methods A member of staff trained in ultrasound was identified and a suitable portable machine sourced. From 11th August 2016, the new service was advertised to clinics within the trust and patients could be referred for assessment of coil/implant presence and position both for booked ‘sessions’ and on an ad hoc basis.
Results To 3rd March 2017, 127 TV scans have been performed. The indication for scanning was: 70 (55%) post insertion of inter-uterine contraception; 21 (17%) for lost threads; 9 (7%) bleeding problems and 27 (21%) other reasons.
5% (6/127) devices were identified as incorrectly positioned and could be changed at the scanning appointment. Only 1 patient required onward referral for a departmental ultrasound scan.
Discussion Ultrasound scanning in GUM clinics is feasible and has proven to be a valuable addition to current services offered. Consequently referrals for hospital based ultrasound scans have decreased, resulting in shorter waiting times for patients as well as providing a ‘one stop shop’ for patients.