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P055 Using the electronic patient record to support capacity planning by linking need to level of service
  1. Kez Spelman,
  2. Taylor Hughs
  1. Essex Sexual Health Service, Provide Community Interest Company, Colchester, Essex, UK


Introduction Planning service capacity is key to ensuring that sexual health services continue to be functional and sustainable. We have reviewed and categorised data recorded in our electronic records system and by categorising activity and then identifying appropriate staff level associated with that activity we can more effectively plan capacity.

Methods We established agreement about service activity and assigned these activities to the categories of: integrated sexual health 1 and 2, integrated sexual health 3, online and telephone. Using 2016/17 quarter 2 and 3 data we grouped individual attendance records to these categories. Our analysis, based on a combination of item of service, SHHAPT coding and prescription, allowed us to robustly assign attendance to category. This was then compared with the level of care and access clients actually received in terms of staff level, and the variations showing the potential for shift across levels was established. We then audited at patient record level to provide assurance about assumptions made in the categorisation process.

Results The results indicated that a significant percentage of clients currently being seen in a face to face setting are appropriate for online and telephone consultations. We further identified a number of clients seeing doctors who were appropriate to be seen by nurses, indicating further shift potential.

Discussion This approach informs service capacity plans and drives efficiency. The potential for capacity release is tangible and can be applied to other service requirements such as training and service development. We are developing a dashboard system for responsive monitoring.

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