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P068 Prep for ireland? an ngo policy paper to inform discussion on legalising the availability of prep in ireland
  1. Ann Nolan,
  2. Niall Mulligan
  1. 1HIV Ireland, Dublin, Ireland
  2. 2Gay Health Network, Dublin, Ireland


Introduction PrEP is illegal in Ireland and the issue of the introduction of PrEP has not been adequately researched within an Irish context. This paper, due for completion in April 2017, examines the question, ‘Should PrEP be introduced to Ireland?’

Methods A comprehensive literature review on PrEP has been completed, to be followed by key informant interviews with national and international stakeholders to ensure coherence with national policy, to capture multiple perspectives and priorities, highlight implementation and operational difficulties, and off-set unintended consequences.

Results The results of this paper will focus on PrEP within five key areas – Public Health Effectiveness, Adherence, Feasibility/Knowledge/Willingness to take PrEP, Risk/Risk Compensation, and Cost/Cost Effectiveness. The findings will contextualise PrEP within key populations of MSM, PWID, as well as Sex Workers and will inform Irish policy makers’ decision making by providing input to debates on the pros and cons of introducing PrEP to Ireland.

Discussion It is argued that PrEP adds to the package of proven HIV prevention options already available and is recommended by UNAIDS for use in conjunction with other prevention methods. However PrEP is frequently not seen in value-neutral public health terms and is a contested intervention along economic, ethical, and rights-based axes. This paper examines PrEP in detail in order to inform discussion on its potential introduction within Ireland.

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