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P069 Post exposure prophylaxis after sexual exposure: management in ed and gum
  1. Anne Kjerrstrom1,
  2. Julie Witter2,
  3. Juliet Drummond1,
  4. Neil Turner1,
  5. Tristan Barber1,3,
  6. Sara Day1
  1. 1John Hunter Clinic, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK
  2. 2Emergency Medicine, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK
  3. 3Imperial College, London, UK


Introduction Post-exposure prophylaxis following sexual exposure (PEPSE) is a method of preventing HIV infection. 2015 BASHH guidelines identify criteria for when PEPSE should and could be offered. Our aim was to review patients prescribed PEPSE either at our local Emergency Department (ED) or via GUM between 1st July – 31st Dec 2016 to establish if we are following the BASHH guidelines.

Methods This retrospective study identified patients that were prescribed PEPSE through the ED or GUM using electronic records and paper notes to audit criteria.

Results 176 PEP recipients were identified. Twenty-two of these were not associated with sexual exposure. Two were extending a current course of PEPSE due to new exposure; prescribed according to guidelines. 14 patients received PEP according to the ED register but no documentation was available. 7 patients received PEP in ED with documented exposure risk consistent with the BASHH guidelines but were lost to follow up. 131 PEP patients were seen in GUM. 6 patients presented to GUM after PEP was initiated at a different ED, all these were provided PEP according to guidelines. 35 presented after PEP was started in ED and the rest presented directly. 98% were prescribed PEP according to guidelines. There were 2 that were started on PEP in ED that was discontinued in GUM.

Discussion The majority of patients with available documentation were prescribed PEP according to guidelines. We intend to support our ED service in better documentation of patients presenting for, and prescribe, PEPSE.

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