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O11 Using a professional patient mystery shop to evaluate management of recently diagnosed HSV-2, compared with data from a national questionnaire
  1. Rebecca Cannon1,
  2. Elizabeth Foley2,
  3. Azra Khatun1,
  4. Rajul Patel1,2
  1. 1University of Southampton, Southampton, UK
  2. 2Royal South Hants Hospital, Southampton, UK


Introduction In 2014, the British Association of Sexual Health and HIV updated guidelines detailing the expected management of Anogenital Herpes type 2 (HSV-2). This study aims to evaluate counselling given to patients with HSV-2 and determine how clinicians are dealing with sensitive topics that arise during these consultations.

Methods 210 UK Genito-Urinary Medicine (GUM) clinics were sent an anonymous questionnaire, the results of which were analysed and compared with current guidelines. A pilot mystery shopping study, involving a patient with a reported recent HSV-2 diagnosis, was performed in 3 UK GUM Clinics. Details of each consultation were graded as A (acceptable), U (unacceptable) or C (a cause for concern) by a panel of 6 experts.

Results Analysis of the returned questionnaires showed inconsistencies in answers between clinicians and guidelines. The advice given during the visits was graded 69.7% A, 16.8% C and 13.5% U. Staff performed well with providing emotional support and guiding patients to extra materials (84.5% A) but did significantly less well on topics such as disclosure (65.9% A, p=0.0025), transmission (71.8% A, p=0.032) and pregnancy (53.9% A, p=0.000013) (Pearson’s Chi-squared test).

Discussion The study has exposed some short falls in clinical practice, which should be addressed by future guidelines and education events at BASHH, should they be supported by a larger-scale study. Returning anonymised data to participating clinics may allow them to deal with discrepancies in their practice.

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