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  1. Emma Street,
  2. Lindsay Short
  1. Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Trust, Huddersfield, UK


Introduction Sexual health of MSM has worsened over the last decade and with NHS PREP provision on the horizon we needed to assess the current sexual health of MSM attending our small integrated sexual health clinic to ascertain who may be eligible for PREP.

Methods Retrospective case notes review of all MSM attending as a new or rebook attendance in 2015.

Results 140 attendances of MSM in 2015 were analysed. 136/140 (97%) had a HIV test. 36/140 (26%) were diagnosed with an STI of which 10 were rectal STIs. 62/140 (44%) had a previous STI. Documented recent unprotected anal sex occurred in 80/140 (57%), 3 patients were in a sero-discordant relationship- all had partners with an undetectable viral load. Recreational drugs were used by 9/140 (6%) of which 4 patients were engaged in chem-sex.

80/140 (57%) patients would fulfil the baseline criteria for PREP.

Discussion MSM in our clinic have a high rate of STIs and more than half have had recent unprotected anal sex. There is a low rate of recreational drug use. Over half would be eligible for PREP if they continued in engage in unprotected sex. Repeated attendances through 2015 will be analysed to assess behaviour change.

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