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P103 A psychosexual needs assessment of patients attending five london sexual health clinics
  1. Aiysha Malik,
  2. Justin Grayer,
  3. Stuart Gibson
  1. Sexual Health Psychology Service, Barts Health NHS Trust, London, UK


Introduction The aim of this psychosexual needs assessment was to investigate the prevalence and range of sexual problems; to understand the distress, causal attributions and functional impairment associated with these; and to explore patients’ service-related needs, in a sample of patients attending sexual health clinics in London.

Methods Questionnaires were disseminated to patients attending five sexual health clinics in London, over a one week period. Nine hundred and thirty four patients responded to the questionnaire. Patients were aged 29.4 years (SD=8.8) and predominantly female (61.4%).

Results 31.1% of patients indicated they were experiencing a sexual problem. Premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation, or difficulty having an orgasm were the most prevalent problems reported by patients (13.5%). Female and male patients did not differ in their report of overall sexual problems (32.5% and 28.6%, respectively), however more women reported sexual pain (14.8%, X2=11.3,p=.001) and male patients reported difficulties with hypersexuality (9.5%, X2=25.2,p<.001). The majority of sexual problems had commenced within the past year, however orgasm, chemsex and hypersexuality problems were longer-standing (>1year). Associated distress was reported by 79.5% of patients. Emotional reasons were attributed as the most likely cause of sexual problems (21.1%). Male patients reported higher functional impairment (U=1862.0, z=2.3, p=.02). Patients were interested in a range of interventions, and expressed preference to be supported in a sexual health clinic (67.8%).

Discussion The findings present implications for the provision of psychosexual services in sexual health clinics.

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