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P111 Reaching out – gum in the general practice setting
  1. Joanne Watt,
  2. Thomas Streeter,
  3. Susan Ashton,
  4. Cara Battersby,
  5. Sophie Herbert
  1. Northamptonshire Integrated Sexual Health Service, Kettering, Northamptonshire, UK


Introduction Providing accessible GU services in rural areas is difficult. Providing a service in General Practice (GP), close to patients’ homes may increase access (particularly to those who might not otherwise test) and avoid the perceived stigma of attending a GUM clinic. A GUM service was set up in 2008 within a general practice setting (syndromic management), in an area of high need (HIV prevalence 2.58 PHE 2015).We aim to describe the outcomes of running a GU clinic within GP.

Methods Demographic, attendance and diagnoses data was collected and analysed from 2008–2016.

Results A total of 1081 patients were seen (1826 attendances) with a median of 200(186–221) per year. 604 diagnoses of infection were made (33.1%). 922(85%) lived in the town where the clinic was held. 53.8%(582) had never been seen in GU in our county before compared with 32.6% in the hubs. 440 (41%) were men of which 40(9%) were MSM. Mean age for attendees was 29 (28 at the main GU hub). Total number <20 year olds fell from 2007-2016 but those aged 21–35yrs and 45–60yrs increased. Table 1 shows the distribution of GUMCAD diagnoses. There were 426 DNAs (18.9%), 42% were follow-ups. Overall HIV testing was refused in 15.5% cases, (30% in 2007 but 7% in 2016).

Discussion In rural areas where transport links are limited, a GU clinic run in GP offers an efficient, anonymous service. Services can be offered in this setting with few extra resources providing an alternative point of access for patients.

Abstract P111 Table 1

GUM in general Practice

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