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Introduction No current competencies for transgender issues exist in genito-urinary or community sexual and reproductive health training curricula. This gap is currently being addressed and curriculum changes on the topic are being proposed. The aim of this study is to assess doctor’s knowledge regarding specific trans* issues and their attitudes to proposed curriculum changes.
Methods Purposive, convenience sampling was used. A self-completed questionnaire was distributed via the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV newsletter and at the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health annual conference. It consisted of 15 closed and open-ended questions on demographics, previous experience and training, knowledge of specific trans* health issues, and attitudes to curriculum changes. Analysis was done using Stata.
Results From the 110 eligible responses only 37% had received previous training on trans* issues and 81% supported adding trans* issues to the curriculum. The need for training was demonstrated in the high proportion, 86%, with concerns around managing trans* patients. Confidence was lacking in clinical scenarios, especially performing genital examinations and cervical screening. Knowledge gaps were identified in all areas, particularly regarding management of post-operative complications.
Discussion This study highlights the need for doctors’ training to improve knowledge and confidence on trans* issues, as well as the positive receptivity of training. Concerns mostly revolve around how to make competencies logistically feasible in the face of an already packed mandatory curriculum and lack of opportunities for exposure to these patients.