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P152 Staff satisfaction improvement work: actively asking, listening and responding to the concerns of our staff
  1. Anna Hartley,
  2. Andy Williams,
  3. Merle Symonds,
  4. Janet Barter,
  5. Vanessa Apea
  1. Barts Health NHS Trust, London, UK


Introduction Contract tendering and service integration has resulted in great uncertainty for sexual health staff. Our service has recently integrated with sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and is currently under tender. We aimed to review and address the satisfaction of our staff.

Methods An online survey was disseminated to staff at our sexual health service.

Results 73% of staff responded: 13 doctors, 9 nurses, 6 technicians, 15 health advisors/psychologists, 8 receptionists, 8 administrators, 3 anonymous. On a scale of 1–10, staff rated: feeling valued 5.9; enjoying work 6.4; day-to-day support 5.7. Scores were lower among receptionists (4, 4.1, 3.6 respectively). 61% felt day-to-day issues were dealt with in a timely manner. Cascade of information from management to staff was deemed ‘too little’ by 53%. 34% stated they did not have the opportunity to contribute to decisions affecting them. Staff found it easier to raise concerns with their line manager (6.7/10) than with management (5.7/10). These scores were lower among receptionists (3.6/10, 4/10 respectively).

Discussion Improvement work is addressing the issues raised by our staff. Initiatives include: Staff Member of the Month Award; Daily team huddle actively including receptionists, addressing day-to-day issues; Psychology session with receptionists to better understand their concerns; Clinic has relocated to be next to reception (rather than on a different floor); A buddying system for incoming SRH staff; Regular integration emails from management and whole team briefings.

Discussion Our survey demonstrates the need to actively ask, listen and respond to staff’s satisfaction, especially during such uncertain times.

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