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P164 Audit of the management of genital herpes infection in colchester sexual health clinic
  1. Sujeevani Munasinghe,
  2. Michael Shah,
  3. Malaki Ramogi
  1. Essex Sexual Health Service, Colchester, UK


Introduction Genital Herpes infection, caused by Herpes simplex virus is one of the common sexually transmitted infections in the UK. According to Public Health England STI report (2015) the percentage increase of newly diagnosed Herpes infection from 2006 to 2015 is 67%. BASHH published new Herpes management guidelines in 2014. We evaluated the management of Herpes infection at our clinic against these guidelines using electronic patient records over a six month period in 2015.

Methods Retrospective case notes review of all patients diagnosed with genital herpes infection (coded C10A) from July to December 2015. Individual case records were scrutinised and evaluated against auditable outcome measures outlined in BASHH 2014 guidelines.

Results There were 102 newly diagnosed Cases of HSV in this 6 month period. All patients had HSV detection by PCR confirmation and 100% had at least one detected HSV typed. Recommended antiviral therapy offered to 95% of the patients who presented within 5 days of onset of symptoms (target 97%). The percentage of patients who were given verbal and written information about HSV was 54%.

Discussion Our audit shows we met the BASHH standards by virologically confirming and typing all diagnoses of genital herpes infection. We failed to meet the standards on patient education and documentation. Since April 2016, our service has switched to new electronic patients records which has a dedicated section on patient education This will help improve our performance. This will be re audited next year.

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