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P166 Partner notification: are australian approaches feasible for the chilean context?
  1. Nicole Iturrieta-Guaita1,
  2. Meredith Temple-Smith1,
  3. Jane Tomnay2
  1. 1Department of General Practice, University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
  2. 2Department of Rural Health, Centre for Excellence in Rural Sexual Health (CERSH), University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia


Introduction Partner Notification (PN) in Australia has been studied and improved in recent decades. International researchers have highlighted the use of new technology as an alternative approach for PN. Using the Australian experience as an example, we aim to explore clinicians’ perspectives about the use of specialised websites, such as ‘Let them know’ and professional counselling support, to facilitate PN in the Chilean context.

Methods 58 semi-structured interviews were conducted with health care providers (HCP) and key informants. A third of the interviews were transcribed verbatim and translated from Spanish to English for thematic analysis, which followed an inductive approach based on grounded theory. Following the identification of themes, remaining interviews were coded utilising a method of constant comparison to highlight concordance and dissonance of participant views.

Results The majority of participants were unaware of the use of new technologies for PN, and demonstrated a high interest. Many agreed this could be a feasible strategy considering the high use of mobile technologies and the Internet in Chile. Participants’ primary concerns around this approach were confidentiality, privacy and efficacy, given the local cultural context. The creation of a counsellor position for professional support and guidance was identified as essential to strengthen PN in Chile.

Discussion The use of new technologies for contacting sexual partners with professional counselling support could be an alternative PN strategy for Chile. However, the involvement of local staff will be essential in tailoring interventions.

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