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P186 The usefulness of diagnostic genital skin biopsies in genito urinary clinical settings
  1. Helen Patrick1,
  2. Niroshan Jayasekara1,
  3. Colin Fitzpatrick1,
  4. Fionnuala Finnerty1,
  5. I Wijerathna2,
  6. Rebecca Murdock1,
  7. Daniel Richardson1,3
  1. 1Brighton and Sussex University NHS Trust, Brighton, UK
  2. 2University of Peradeniya, Peradenya, Sri Lanka
  3. 3Brighton and Sussex Medical School, Brighton, UK


Introduction It can be difficult to ascertain the exact aetiology of genital dermatoses as there are a several causative factors including inflammatory, neoplastic & infective. Genital skin biopsy can be a useful tool to provide definitive diagnosis.

Methods We reviewed the electronic patient records of patients diagnosed with genital dermatoses in our clinic over a six month period. We compared clinical diagnoses with final histological diagnoses.

Results A total of 56 patients were given a clinical diagnosis of genital dermatosis during the study period – Lichen Planus (8), Lichen Sclerosus (27), Seborrheoic Keratosis (1), Psoriasis (5), Zoon’s Balanitis (7), malignancy (3) and atypical lesions (5). Of these, 32 (57%) underwent a genital biopsy (see table one). Clinical and histological diagnosis correlated in 21 cases (66%). No additional malignant lesions were found following biopsy.

Discussion In our clinic, correlation between clinical and histological diagnosis of genital dermatoses was good and no additional malignancies were found over and above clinical suspicion. 32 patients (57%) of patients seen with genital dermatoses underwent a genital skin biopsy.

Abstract P186 Table 1

Genital Dermatoses

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