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P188 An audit of management of patients presenting with urinary tract infection (UTI) in a sexual health clinic
  1. Shashirekha Vijayappa,
  2. Srinivasulu Narayana,
  3. Rita Browne
  1. Whittington Health NHS, London, UK


Introduction Patients with symptoms suggestive of UTI is a common presentation in sexual health clinics.

Methods Laboratory data retrospectively identified all patients who had a MSU sent from May 2015 to October 2015. Data was retrieved from Electronic patient records and analysed using Excel.

Results There were 150 patients, 107 females and 43 males. Median age 32 years and range 16 – 74 years. Ethnicity: 36% were White British and 22% black Afro-Caribbean. 5 were female sex workers, 3 MSM and the rest heterosexual. 98% were symptomatic (104 had dysuria and 43 increased urinary frequency). 92% had 1 partner in the preceding 3 months.

Urinalysis was positive for leucocytes in 71, Nitrites in 55 and blood in 38 patients.

The audit standards our service achieved were: 84% of all patients who had symptoms suggestive of UTI had Urinalysis, 88% received appropriate first line antibiotics, 63% of women with pelvic pain had a pregnancy test and 100% of all male patients with a UTI were referred to Urology. 40% of MSU were positive and bacteria isolated were 73% E coli, 15% Coliform and 6% Proteus.

The table below shows sensitivities to antibiotics:

Abstract P188 Table 1

UTI antimicrobial sensitivity

Discussion We are currently discussing with our local microbiologists about stopping routine MSU in line with NICE guidance and a change to nitrofurantoin as first line treatment. Staff training has been done to remind staff about the need to do a pregnancy test in women with pelvic pain.

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