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P193 Making online contact count: addressing health needs in under 18s attending srh
  1. Kimberley Forbes,
  2. Richard West,
  3. Seán Cassidy,
  4. David Daniels
  1. West Middlesex University Hospital, London, UK


Introduction The Five Year Forward Review calls for an upgrade in prevention and public health and Making Every Contact Count suggests utilisation of provider encounters to enable positive behavioural change. The London Sexual Health Transformation Programme will be implemented in April 2017 and it is proposed that asymptomatic patients will access services online rather than attending a clinic.

Methods In the financial year 2015 – 16 there were 1975 attendances of 998 individuals <18 at a sexual & reproductive health service. A risk assessment proforma was used in 98.82% (n=505/511) of those 16 or under and 72.9% (n=355/487) of those aged 17. These were analysed using an electronic report.

Results Current mental health problems, smoking, drug and alcohol use was recorded in 837 (97%), 694 (81%) and 818 (95%) records respectively.

Abstract P193 Table 1

Under 18s attending SRH

Discussion Mental health difficulties, smoking, drug and alcohol use are common across all ages. Assessment enables health promotion through brief interventions and is important to identify young people at risk; commissioners should ensure that opportunities are not lost with online access. We suggest commissioning of a one stop shop model for under 18s or robust online screening protocols to ensure opportunities for intervention are not lost.

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