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O22 Acceptability of HIV self-testing among men who have sex with men attending a sex on premises venue in brighton: a cross sectional survey
  1. Aliza Amlani1,
  2. Gillian Dean1,
  3. Suneeta Soni1,
  4. Carlos Peralta2,
  5. Carrie Llewelyn3,
  6. Jaime Vera1,4
  1. 1HIV Department, Brighton and Sussex University Hospital NHS trust, Brighton, UK
  2. 2School of Art, Design and Media, University of Brighton, Brighton, UK
  3. 3Department of Public Health and Primary Care, Brighton and Sussex Medical School, Brighton, UK
  4. 4Department of Infection and Global Health, Brighton and Sussex Medical School, Brighton, UK


Introduction Interventions to target and test men who have sex with men (MSM) for HIV are crucial to reduce incidence. Accessing traditional healthcare services can act as a barrier to HIV testing. Testing in outreach settings, such as sex on premises venues (SOPV), may be more successful. This study aimed to determine the acceptability of HIV self-testing in MSM sauna clients.

Methods An anonymous cross sectional, electronic/paper survey was conducted in a male SOPV in Brighton. Results were collated using Survey Monkey.

Results A total of 281 clients responded. 23% were aged 25–34 years, 16% 35–44 years and 37% 45–64 years. 32% reported never testing for HIV; 56% had not tested in the last 12 months; 44% felt they were not at risk of HIV. 93% would consider collecting a HIV self-test at the sauna with 40% wanting to test there and then, and 53% preferring to test at home.

Discussion A significant number of MSM attending this SOPV felt they were not at risk of HIV, and had never tested for HIV or not tested for over 1 year. Despite this, most individuals found testing at the SOPV acceptable, and would consider HIV self-testing if it were available. Innovative methods to enable HIV self-testing in venues frequented by high risk MSM are urgently needed.

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