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P221 Spotting child sexual exploitation (CSE) risks in a small rural cohort; what to look out for and how to effectively share information
  1. Amy Pearce1,
  2. Rosie Dent2,
  3. Joanne Palmer1,
  4. Frances Keane1
  1. 1Royal Cornwall Hospital, Truro, UK
  2. 2Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry, Truro, UK


Introduction Recognition of CSE is a vital part of our work. We host a monthly multiagency safeguarding meeting (SM), alongside social services, children in care (CIC) team and hospital safeguarding. All children with high risk behaviours/vulnerabilities who have attended in the previous month are discussed including children in care, those current self-harming and those disclosing grooming or sexual assault. We will explore other factors contributing to CSE risk and demonstrate the value of the multiagency SM to care.

Methods Review of records of 90 adolescents 13-17 attending between 01/08/16 – 30/09/16. Demographics, safeguarding concerns and SM outcomes were recorded. Results were analysed using SPSS and Pearsons/Fishers tests.

Results 84% (76) were female. 13% (12) were aged ≤15. In this group a history of involuntary sex was associated with both the use of recreational drugs (p=0.002) and any diagnosis of a mental health condition (p=0.020). 12 patients were discussed at the SM. New information was shared between partner organisations in 75% (9) cases. Further results for risky behaviours can be seen in Table 1.

Abstract P221 Table 1

Spotting CSE

Discussion Discussion at the SM improves the care of vulnerable children by identifying those at risk and improving multiagency care planning. Mental health problems or illicit drug use should prompt careful evaluation for CSE risk.

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