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Introduction Men who have sex with men and women (MSMW) are a group with unique sexual health needs, increased risk of STI’s and the potential to bridge homosexual and heterosexual populations. Information is lacking regarding sexual health behaviour among this group.
Aims Investigate STI testing behaviour of MSMW attending a sexual health clinic, recent sexual behaviour and STI diagnosis.
Methods Retrospective review of sexual health clinic electronic case notes of men attending with a new episode whose sexual orientation was recoded as bisexual from 1/4/2016 to 31/6/2016. Information was obtained on demographics, recent sexual partners, STI testing performed and diagnosis.
Results 78 MSMW attended during the audit period. Uptake of STI screening was high (95% genital Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea testing, 87% HIV and Syphilis testing). Extra genital site testing was performed in 70% patients. 79% had all appropriate sites tested according to their sexual history (oropharyngeal testing lacking in 12%, anal testing lacking in 1%, 8% unclear from documentation). In the previous 3 months 61% reported multiple sexual partners, 40% reported sex with both male and female partners and 66% reported unprotected sex with a new partner. Forty men reported a current regular female partner of which 29 also reported a recent male partner (27 unprotected). 23% were diagnosed with an STI following their clinic attendance.
Discussion MSMW showed high risk sexual behaviour and prevalence of STI’s. Concordant male and female partners highlight the need to encourage regular screening in this group, record a detailed sexual history and offer all appropriate tests.