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P3.80 Analysis of the clinical profile and results of tuberculosis cases treatment in people living with hiv/aids
  1. Gabriela Tavares Magnabosco,
  2. Rubia Laine de Paula Andrade,
  3. Tiemi Arakawa,
  4. Maria Eugenia Firmino Brunello,
  5. Laura Terenciani Campoy,
  6. Livia Maria Lopes,
  7. Aline Aparecida Monroe,
  8. Tereza Cristina Scatena Villa
  1. School of Nursing of Ribeirao Preto/University of Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto – SP, Brazil


Introduction Tuberculosis (TB) even though it is a viable cure is still recognised as a current and persistent public health problem aggravated by the rise in HIV/AIDS. The association between HIV infection and TB increases the probability of death of individuals and influences the control of both, challenging the practice of care and health policies.

Methods This was a descriptive, quantitative-type survey, aimed to analyse the clinical profile and results of TB treatment cases in people living with HIV/AIDS in Ribeirão Preto/Brazil in the years 2010 to 2014 Patients in the penitentiary system, under the age of 18 and who had changes in diagnosis or transfer were excluded. TB/WEB information system was used for data collection. Descriptive statistical techniques were used for data analysis.

Results There were 224 cases of TB/HIV of which 71% were men and 29% were women; 94.2% were diagnosed with AIDS and 5.8% were HIV-infected. The clinical form of pulmonary TB was prevalent (64.7%), followed by extrapulmonary (23.2%) and pulmonary + extrapulmonary (12.1%). Regarding the clinical profile of TB, 73.7% were new cases, 14.7% relapsed and 11.6% were re-treatment due to abandonment. Regarding the associated comorbidities, there were two cases with diabetes mellitus, 15.6% alcoholism, 15.6% drug addiction and 3.1% smoking. 74.6% of the cases had to be hospitalised at some point. Regarding the result, the cure rate was 57.2%, 16.5% of the abandonment and 26.3% of death. The clinical characteristics of the subjects follow the parameter of the general population (the highest prevalence among men, whites and economically active age group), except for the treatment result (the cure rate for coinfected patients is predominant, Which does not reflect the country profile, however, the death rate remains an alarming situation, as well as the hospitalisation rate for associated complications).

Conclusion The interaction of diseases requires the need for coordinated work developed by TB and HIV/AIDS programs to reduce the burden of both diseases and promote more favourable outcomes.

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