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Introduction HIV is one of the major public health problems in recent time. Because of limited work opportunities in Nepal, seasonal labour migration especially disadvantaged groups to overseas become common. Nepalese government is promoting overseas employment opportunities’ for its citizens because of poor absorption of growing labour force in the country. This study was aimed to determine the serological prevalence of antibodies Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) among the Nepalese population intended to depart overseas.
Methods This study was conducted at Namaste Nepal Medical Centre and Polyclinic, Kathmandu, Nepal. Twenty Nine Thousand Four Hundred Forty One healthy populations were included for this study over a period from January 2013 to December 2014. The venous blood was collected aseptically and subjected to screening for anti HIV 1/2 (HIV Tri Dot, Jay Mitra, India) and confirmed by third generation HIV 1/2 ELISA (SD, Bio Lines, Korea) prior to overseas migration for labour employment. Data were analysed by using SPSS version 17.0 software.
Results The serological prevalence of antibodies to HIV 1/2 were found to be 0.04% (11/29,441). Among the HIV infected population 0.03% (9/29,441) was male while only 0.01% (2/29,441) was female. Majority of the HIV infected people with HIV 1/2 was found to be 20–30 years old and belonging from disadvantaged groups like Dalit, Janajati and Kshetri.
Conclusion The HIV seroprevalence showed decreasing trend, due to the cumulative effect of increasing awareness of HIV and better HIV testing and counselling (HTC) in Nepal. This study reflects that it would be alarming situation because young age population becomes more infected. Therefore, a continuous surveillance, advocacy and social mobilisation need to be considered for further improvements of transmission of HIV infection.