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Introduction Assess soropositivity of HIV infection among pregnant women overseen by Hospital de Clínicas from Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro (HC-UFTM). Describe their demographical and epidemiological profile, obstetrical and newborn data.
Methods Survey through the records of pregnant women from HC-UFTM spanning from 2013 to 2016, followed by medical record review and administration of a structured questionnaire on epidemiological, obstetrical and neonatal aspects from HIV-positive pregnancies.
Results From January 2013 to November 2016, there were 69 births from HIV-positive women. On demography, the maternal age varied from 16 to 40 years, with 26.8 years average; the majority, 53.6% were in common-law marriages and 59.42 hailed from Uberaba. 37.6% had other concomitant STDs. 45.4% had their first appointment to specialised care done only on the second trimester. The patients had an average of 7 prenatal appointments and the majority (79.1%) were using antiretroviral therapy (Biovir and Kaletra) during this period. On births, 1.4% ended in miscarriage; 26.0% were pre-term deliveries; 66.66% were on term deliveries; 1.44% were post-term deliveries and 4.3% were delivered elsewhere outside the HC-UFTM. Caesarean sections responded for 63.6% of the births and all the pregnant women received zidovudin (AZT) before their deliveries (+/-2.93 hour). On newborns, 63.76% had their weights between 2500 g and 4000g and 92.6% had their APGAR≥7; all newborns received AZT after their births.
Conclusion Obstetrical assistance to HIV-positive women is fundamental on their adherence to medication and on the reduction of vertical transmission. Those women must receive specialised care as soon as possible and the staff must be trained.