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Introduction Healthcare workers are one of the most at risk population of infection with hepatitis B virus (HBV). Our study aims to evaluate the practices and knowledge on the risk of HBV infection and to determine the immune status against HBV among the staff of the National Institute of Hygien (NIH).
Methods This is a descriptive cross-sectional study that involved 47 participants belonging to different categories of the NIH staff. After providing a written consent for participation, recruts answered a questionnaire developed from the WHO guidelines.
The assessment of the immune status focused on the screening and quantification of serological markers: HBs Ag, HBs Ab, Hbc Ab by an automated technology using chemiluminescence on the system Cobas E411 (Roche Diagnostics, USA).
Results The average age of participants was 45±8 years. All respondents (n=47) confirmed their knowledge of modes of transmission of parenteral hepatitis. Moreover, 72% (n=34) recognised the liver cirrhosis as a consequence of HVB infection. The association of hepatic carcinoma with HBV infection has been acknowledged by 44% (n=21) of participants. Similarly 90.7% recognised the existence of a vaccine against hepatitis B. Biosecurity measures were available in all services. No cases of HBV chronic infection were detected. Serological markers of hepatitis B were tested for 45 participants. The results showed that 49% (n=22) have a profile of immunisation mediated by vaccin. Five respondents (11.1%) showed a profile for a past infection healed. No cases of chronic or acute HBV infection were detected.
Conclusion The present study demonstrated that despite good knowledge on the HBV infection, the vaccination rate of INH staff remains low. Regular awareness campaigns should be imposed at the NIH level to update the staff knowledge on the HBV infection and preventive measures including vaccination.