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P3.200 Under the influence of needle: correlates of hiv, hcv and hiv/hcv co-infection among injecting drug users in three states of india
  1. Santosh Kumar Sharma
  1. International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai, India


Introduction HCV is the most common virus affecting the world’s 16 million injection drug users (IDUs). It is estimated that close to 3 million IDUs are living with HIV and some studies indicate that over 90% of IDUs infected with HIV are also infected with HCV. The main objective of the study is to determine the correlates of HIV, HCV, and HIV/HCV co-infection among injecting drug users in three states of India.

Methods Data were obtained from a bio-behavioural survey- Integrated Behavioural and Biological Assessment (2009–10) (n=1977) in the high prevalence of HIV states of India among injecting drug users, Manipur, Maharashtra, and Nagaland. The respondent-driven sampling method was used to collect the eligible respondent. Dependent variables for this study was HIV prevalence, HCV prevalence, and HIV/HCV co-infection. Bivariate and multivariate binary logistics regression were used for the analysis.

Results The prevalence of HIV, HCV and HIV/HCV co-infection varies from 15 percent to 45 percent among IDUs. It was reported that there was the significant association between HIV, HCV and HIV/HCV co-infection and socio-demographic and risky injecting behaviour. Further Multivariate analysis shows that these infections were more probable among IDUs,1–5 years of schooling, widowed/separated/divorced, longer duration of drug use and drawing-up drug solution from a common container. Further, Longer duration between first drug use and first injecting drugs use (AOR=2.1, p<0.05) and draw up drug solution from a common container (AOR=1.6, p<0.10) were more likely to have HIV/HCV co-infection.

Conclusion The study concludes that HIV, HCV, and HIV/HCV co-infection were highly prevalent among IDUs because of their risky injecting behaviour. HIV prevention program should also focus on the prevention of coinfection with HIV/HCV.

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