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Introduction The Brazilian Immunisation Program recommended the vaccine to be administered at 9 to 11 years of age before most adolescents became sexually active.The aim of this study is to describe the human papillomavirus(HPV) infection prevalence among unimmunized women and to identify the risk factors as demographic, behavioural and biological variables.
Methods An epidemiological study was performed in women randomly selected during 2014 to 2016. About 100 cervical cell scrapings were collected with a cytobrush. DNA extraction and HPV detection were performed by PCR, Nested PCR and specific primers. DNA quality was amplified by β-globin PCR primers. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) patterns of L1 PCR products were used for genotyping.
Results In the population studied, HPV prevalence was of20%. HPV 18 and 45 were the most frequently detected HPV types. A group of100 women was divided into six aged groups (≤25 y.o; 26 to 30 y.o; 31 to 35 y.o; 36 to 40 y.o; 41 to 45 y.o;≥45 y.o).Distribution among racial/ethnic groups was representative when 47% of women were white and 53% were black and on the race/ethnicities. Most women were currently not married (56%) and married or cohabitating (44%)(p<0,05).Psychosocial and psychosexual issues demonstrated that six percent of the women exhibit history of sexually transmitted diseases, except HIV, with 85% of women having sex with until to five partners (p<0,03). About the employment status of all the participating women, 90% reported having had at least one until four basic salaries. Only 5% women have had higher education. The most women (87%) have had secondary and fundamental education.
Conclusions The data from this study recorded the prevalence of high-risk HPV genotypes. Sociodemographic characteristics related to sexual health were relevance significantly in women without cytological abnormalities. These results may be useful to future epidemiological surveillance reports and evaluation of new clinical and subclinical cases of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and genital warts.
Support: Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)/Programa Brasil Sem Miséria; Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)