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P4.10 Ifmsa brazil’s experience on health promotion and education in hiv/aids
  1. Andrey Oliveira da Cruz,
  2. Rafael Silveira Batista,
  3. Bruna Kariny de Oliveira Pereira
  1. International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations of Brazil (IFMSA Brazil), São Paulo – SP, Brazil


Introduction The International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations of Brazil (IFMSA Brazil) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan and non-governmental organisation representative of Brazilian medical students. IFMSA Brazil was founded in 1991 and it is currently present in 95 medical schools around the country, at 26 Brazilian states. IFMSA Brazil envisions promoting a positive impact in society by allowing medical students to become leaders in health advocate, to find and to develop their potential. IFMSA Brazil acts through priority areas, defined by Standing Committees, developing projects and programs that may impact on society aiming health promotion and education. The Standing Committee on Sexual and Reproductive Health including HIV/AIDS (SCORA) brings the subject to discussion and engages Brazilian medical students to advocate on this specific field.

Methods We analysed IFMSA Brazil’s Online System of Activities and Reports (SOLAR), which archives all projects and activities held by the Federation in its 95 Local Committees. We considered all the post-projects submitted to the platform of SCORA in 2016.

Results We received 108 activities submissions related to HIV, HPV and syphilis. The main activities developed were Candlelight Memorial Day, Health Care Blitzes, ”Adolescer” - a Comprehensive Sexual Education Project for Teenagers, Campaigns of Act Against AIDS, Sexual Education Projects directed to elderly and sex workers and general events related to sexual and reproductive health in medical education.

Conclusion Developing new strategies of health promotion and education in sexual and reproductive theme may help different communities and improve education of Brazilian medical students. IFMSA Brazil is acting in a volunteering work to raise medical students’ voice and engage advocacy in health, allowing the health care attention to neglected populations and preventing the increase of sexually transmitted infections and other diseases.

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