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P4.30 Integrating sexual and reproductive health education in preventing the spread of sti & aids
  1. Danielle Guerrero Saique
  1. Cswdo, Akap-Bata, Dasmarinas - Philippines


Introduction Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) encompasses all stages of life. Women have rights to quality life. It is attained by practicing, exercising SRH in preventing Violence Against Women (VAW). SRH education is integrated in the total health package service-delivery system of the Medical Social Worker (MSWr) and health service-providers availed from the medical-health services, from health facilities. This paper presented the cause, prevalence, effects of VAW for not practicing/violating SRH. It proposed to the Stakeholders to formulate Matrix of Action Plan by integrating SRH in the holistic approach of the Medical Social Work, practice and health service-delivery thereby preventing VAW and spread of STI and AIDS.

Method VAW cases showed that victim and violators are known to each other, related, living together. Cases of VAW transpired at home, reported, investigated in the police station, filed in the legal courts of law inclusive of Y-2016 from the City of Dasmariñas. Data from police blotters, reports, filed cases, social/medical case studies were gathered by MSWr. Qualitative analysis identified causes, prevalence, effects of VAW related in violating SRH. The MSWr served innovative interventions by implementing his/her SRH background, knowledge/skills in educating/counselling and managing cases of the client-victims to end VAW and prevent spread of STI and AIDS.

Results 65 VAW cases reported the causes and effects related to violating SRH were varied from: Due to non-negotiation or refusal of practicing SRH by the couples, non-acceptance of Family Planning, wrong choice of FP methods by the partners yielded helpless battered women, transmission of STI and AIDS, unwanted and unplanned pregnancies, abandoned and neglected children. Unattended or neglected pre-post natal/maternal care caused medical complications and death of mother or infant. Rape, incest led to adverse trauma effect to the changing behaviour of the victim and result to her suicide or death. Unsafe, unprotected sex transmitted STD and AIDS to the incest or rape victim. From the presented cases, VAW is eliminated by promoting the SRH and preventing the spread of STI and AIDS.

Conclusion Youths, PWDs, LGBTs, Elders of non-health seeking-behaviour, non-access to SRH from health facilities, from MSWr, health service-providers violated the: Rights to life, quality health care/protection; Rights to information/education; Rights to plan family; Rights from torture/ill-treatment. VAW brings adverse effects of psychosocial trauma to victim’s wellness/well-being and humaneness. MSWr’s interventions on SRH and VAW’s findings/results are recommendations to Stakeholders in making quality SRH education available by integrating SRH to the health-service delivery thereby promoting SRH: empowering women’s rights to development, gender equality, thus preventing the spread of STI and AIDS and ending VAW. Therefore, Stakeholders must vouch in duplicating this best-practice to access SRH as implemented by the MSWr and health service-providers from the medical-health facilities.

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