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Introduction The ISEAN-Hivos Program (IHP) is a regional Global Fund AIDS grant focused on community systems strengthening (CSS) among males having sex with males (MSM) and transgender (TG) organisations in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Timor Leste. One of the strategies of the program is to disaggregate transgender people from MSM, and be recognised as a unique key affected population.
Methods Given the lack of evidence-based data to guide development partners, government agencies and donors to develop transgender-specific health interventions, IHP through the ISEAN Secretariat conducted the TransISEAN: Regional Community Workshop on Health, SOGIE and Rights among Transgender People in the ISEAN Region last August 14–16, 2015 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The objective of the regional consultation is to develop a regional advocacy agenda for trans people that is prioritised on the key areas of trans health and services, and trans research/surveillance.
Results The agreed upon advocacy agenda on trans health research/surveillance prioritised the following: A mapping of current organisations and available services including CSOs, health care service providers, trans communities, etc. Continuously push the health ministries to conduct transgender-specific IHBSS/IBBS and STI/HIV vulnerability (especially for trans men), wherein trans people are part of the research team, to provide disaggregated data for trans women/men. A study on the possible drug interaction of anti-retroviral therapy and hormone replacement therapy, and a baseline study on the state of mental health among trans people through participatory action research should be done. Lastly, there should more trans-driven and trans-focused researches, and research grant opportunities.
Conclusion Addressing trans issues should be multi-faceted approach with focus on trans health research/surveillance. Therefore, this regional advocacy agenda can be used by trans groups, program implementers, researchers, and key stakeholders in developing prioritised trans-specific advocacies on research/surveillance.