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P3.05 Contribution to the parents’ knowledge of about herpes infections in children
  1. AJ Giesteira1,
  2. DC Ferreira2,
  3. HLB Reis3,
  4. MRL Passos4
  1. 1Mestranda em Materno Infantil – UFF, Brazil
  2. 2Professor da UNESA e UVA, Brazil
  3. 3Doutoranda – UFES, Brazil
  4. 4Professor Titular e chefe do setor de DST – UFF, Brazil


Introduction The Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) is an infection caused by two types of viruses. The type-1 (HSV-1), which is more common in the oralabial region and the type 2 (HSV-2) in the genital region. The estimate is that 60%–80% of adults in the world have the type 1 virus, and the type-2 prevalence is lower. 90% of individuals affected by the virus are asymptomatic.

Methods This is a sectional and quantitative study, where a public interview was used with those responsible for children, who were infected or not by herpes simplex. The total of 140 guardians were evaluated, being 121 women and 19 men, and through these data regarding their children was collected. The clinic scenario was women specialised care. The tests used in the statistics analysis were: chi-square and Fisher Exact test.

Results The guardians described that 13 of them were infected (11 women and two men). Among the total number of interviewees, only 7 individuals stated that the form of transmission would be through oral contact and/or sexual violence, and 47.14% of the total reported not knowing how the HSV is transmitted. Among the children, the guardians reported that 6 had at least one episode of infection.

Conclusion The research showed that, in general, there is a lack of knowledge about the herpes infection. It is also evident, that the lack of knowledge can contribute in to diagnosis delay, in the possibility of household’s transmission and hindering the prevention of infectious complications.

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