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P3.06 Initial evaluation of viral load in people living with hiv in camaçari, one of the four most populated city in bahia, brazil
  1. A Farias,
  2. P Farias,
  3. R Penna,
  4. A Borges
  1. Reference Centre in HIV/STI, Camaçari, Brazil


Introduction: There are many different ways to control HIV epidemic today, instead of condom. In fact, because HIV treatment has demonstrated the most substantial effect on HIV incidence, it will be impossible to end the epidemic without bringing treatment to all patients living with the virus. Then, this study tries to analyse how the patients are well controlled in their HIV viral load in Camaçari, one of the most comercial and populated city in the state of Bahia, a northeast area in Brazil.

Methods Between November 2015 and November 2016, it was collected some data from about 236 of all 492 patients who have been cared to HIV at the only Centre of treatment in Camaçari, a service that has been assisted by a multidisciplinary team like Infectious Diseases assistance, Gynaecologist, Psychologist, Pharmaceutical, Nutritionist and Social Service.

Results 80,5%(190) of 236 patients had viral load in the blood less than 1000 copies/ml. These, 46,84%(89) were men, 53,16%(101) were women. The average age was 39 years old and medium age was 40. From the patients who were under control, 73,16%(139) were taking two nucleoside inhibitors plus one non nucleoside inhibitor and from all, 64,74%(123) were using Tenofovir, Lamivudine and Efavirenz as a single dosage per day, as Brazilian guideline recommended. 19,5%(46) had more than 1000 copies/ml. 58,7%(27) were men and 41,3%(19) were women. The average age was 40 years old and medium age was 37. Patients who weren’t under viral load control were divided in three different groups: genotype needed (28,26%), problems with antirretroviral adherence (34,78%) and necessities to start medication quickly (36,96%). A multidisciplinary group was created to help patients in these conditions, especially for better adherence.

Conclusion It’s really possible to get undetectable viral load in 90% from all patients by 2020, maybe even more in certain circumstances, based on Brazilian public health care system and defining strategies to change detectable in suppressed viral load, like getting a multidisciplinary team with health care providers.

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