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BASHH is respected as an organisation that reflects the MDT in sexual health clinics in the UK. The website states “Membership includes medical practitioners, Nurses, Health Advisers, scientists in the field of medicine and other healthcare workers who have shown a commitment to the specialty”. And yet, there has often been a feeling that BASHH may not be Sexual Health Adviser (SHA) friendly. I joined BASHH around 15 years ago to become better informed and feel part of the specialty. Not finding many SHAs as members or on any committees, I became the SHA representative on the Clinical Governance committee and subsequently the Board SHA representative. Concerned at the lack of SHA involvement in BASHH, Heather Wilson and I (supported by BASHH and SSHA—Society of Sexual Health Advisers) put together a questionnaire for SHAs in the UK. We received 209 replies (there are approximately 400 SHAs in the UK) telling us that only 12% of those responding belonged to BASHH. The …
Handling editor Jackie A Cassell
Competing interests None declared.
Provenance and peer review Commissioned; internally peer reviewed.