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P139 The racial impact of AIDS trends among women in sao paulo, brazil
  1. Carmen Silvia Domingues,
  2. Ângela Tayra,
  3. Marcia Polon,
  4. Mariza Tancredi
  1. STI/AIDS Reference Center – Sao Paulo State Program of STI/AIDS, Sao Paulo Department of Health, Sao Paulo, Brazil


Background In the Sao Paulo State (SPS), the AIDS epidemic decreased among women, due to early diagnosis, antiretroviral use and prevention. This study aimed to analyze the trends of women living with AIDS (WLWA) and the HIV infection in pregnant women (PW-HIV) in the Sao Paulo City (SPC) and SPS, according to race/skin-color, from 2007–2016.

Methods Trend study using polynomial regression models performed with reported cases of WLWA and PW-HIV compared to SPC and SPS according to race/skin-color and diagnosis period. The annual number of WLWA and PW-HIV in each of the categories studied was considered as the dependent variable (Y), and the independent variable (X) was the time, represented by the calendar years, referring to the study period. The goodness of fit via r² and p<0.05 were used to determine which models and data were most appropriate.

Results In the period from 2007–2016, 18,571 AIDS cases in the SPS and 7,078 in the SPC reported among women were analyzed. In the SPS, WLWA presented a decreasing linear trend with first order modeling, with a higher fall rate among white women [Y=1,093–101X;r²=0.97;p<0.001] than in black [Y=237–15X;r²=0.88;p<0.001], and mixed color/race [Y=600–35X;r²=0.89;p<0.001]. In the SPC, the same trends were observed among white women [Y=362–34X;r²=0.97;p<0.001], black [Y=108–6X;r²=0.81;p<0.001], and mixed color/race [Y=263–12X;r²=0.86;p<0.001]. For PW-HIV, 12,676 cases in the SPS and 4,160 in the SPC were analyzed. White PW-HIV showed a decreasing linear trend, being more expressive in the SPS [Y=681–21X;r²=0,89;p<0,001] than in the SPC [Y=191–5X;r²=0,64;p=0,005]. In the SPS and the SPC, among black and mixed color/race PW-HIV the trend presented stability.

Conclusion To reduce the social inequalities, the care network must discuss specific strategies to improve the access to health care services and antenatal care services for black and mixed color/race WLWA and PW-HIV, prevention measures, sexual and reproductive health care, including access to long-acting contraceptives.

Disclosure No significant relationships.

  • HIV
  • risk factors
  • trends

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