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P281 Reaching out to MSM who fled for war and LGBT oppression for HIV and STI testing, HBV vaccination and counselling
  1. Wim Zuilhof1,
  2. Hanna Bos2
  1. 1SOA AIDS Nederland, MSM Programme, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  2. 2SOA AIDS Nederland, Amsterdam, Netherlands


Background The Netherlands has had a large influx of MSM refugees in recent years. Soon after arriving many of them start dating other MSM for sexual hook-ups, while insufficiently aware of risks that sex between men entails for HIV/STI. They are also unfamiliar with existing facilities for HIV/STI testing, HBV-vaccination and HIV-care in the Netherlands.

Methods In 2017 and 2018, MSM refugees were invited for meet-ups in Amsterdam and three other cities, where information and counseling about STI and HIV and how to prevent these was given in multiple languages. HIV and STI tests and vaccination for HBV were also offered on the spot. Only refugees were allowed in, thus creating a safer space atmosphere. Those tested and/or vaccinated received follow-up appointments on regular office hours for test results, further HIV/STI care or completion of HBV vaccinations. These meet-ups were possible through very close cooperation between self-organizations of migrant MSM, regional Public Health Services, gay bars and a national NGO.

Results In 2017 and 2018 a total of 858 MSM refugees attended 8 meet-ups on which 223 HIV/STI tests were done and 226 HBV-vaccinations were given. 43 STI’s and 3 HIV infections were found. A survey among visitors showed huge appreciation of the meet-ups. A large proportion of the visitors visited more than one meet up, thus showing appreciation for and trust in the organisers. One on one counselling of visitors by volunteers and health professionals during the meet ups showed lack of knowledge about HIV and STI and lack of behavioural skills among visitors and the need for development of behavioural interventions specifically for this group.

Conclusion MSM refugees can be reached through gay community meet-ups for HIV/STI testing and HBV vaccination. Extra data have to be collected for the development of much needed behavioural interventions.

Disclosure No significant relationships.

  • Policy & Community Engagement

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