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P306 Vaccine development & AMP; participation in sub saharan africa: how willing are young people in western nigeria?
  1. Saheed Usman1,
  2. Ibiwumi Usman2
  1. 1APIN Public Health Intiatives, Abuja, Nigeria
  2. 2Kids and Teens Resource Centre, Akure, Nigeria


Background An estimated 36.7 million people live with HIV/AIDS in 2015, with more than 3 million people living with the virus in Nigeria, ranking the country among the top three most affected. Because adults are mostly affected by this epidemic, their inclusion in HIV vaccine trials is of utmost importance in obtaining an effective and acceptable vaccine. This study is thus aimed at evaluating the factors determining adults (young persons) willingness-to-participate (WTP) as well as their entire knowledge and perception about HIV vaccine trials.

Methods Data was obtained from 3500 young persons (18–49 years) recruited by a multi-stage sample technique. The cross-sectional study was carried out using a face-to-face interview. An informed consent was obtained through a pre-tested structured questionnaire, with questions addressing socio-demographics, HIV vaccine studies knowledge and perception, sexual behaviour and possible stigma from HIV vaccine trial participation. Data was analysed using SPSS software, with significance fixed at P<0.05.

Results The mean age ± SD was 27.53±3.46 years. 1094 (31.3%) expressed their willingness to definitely participate in the vaccine studies while 999 (28.5%) reported that they may participate especially if a very tangible incentive will be given. Unwillingness to participate was associated with safety concerns (12.0), side effects (5.0%), fear of HIV infection from vaccine (4.1%), time required for study (1.9%) and partner’s sexual intercourse refusal (1.2%). 983 (28.3%) reported people in good health, HIV negative individuals and at low risk of HIV infection, are eligible for HIV vaccine trial. There was a significant association between willingness to participate in HIV vaccine trials and age as well as gender.

Conclusion Participation in HIV vaccine trial in Nigerian context is likely influenced by comprehensive education about the vaccine trial concept, addressing issues relating to concerns and possible risks pertaining to participation, as the WTP in the vaccine trial is quite low.

Disclosure No significant relationships.

  • prevention
  • intervention and treatment

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