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Background HIV prevalence is high amongst key population (KPs). People who inject drugs (PWID) are considered as KPs because certain behaviors increase their vulnerability to HIV. To reach PWIDS with interventions, there’s need to determine their distribution and size. Previously, gender wasn’t considered in PWID size estimation, therefore designing HIV/Reproductive health services for female PWIDS was difficult because their size was unknown. To address this, Nigeria conducted programmatic mapping to provide insight on size of male and female PWIDS and geographical locations.
Methods PWIDs were mapped in all Local Government Areas in10 states. We employed programmatic mapping approach which involved two sequential data collection steps called level one [L1] and level two [L2]. During L1, information was collected from key informants (KIs) about the geographic locations/spots where PWIDS congregate, the characteristics of the spots (public place, bunk, etc.) and an estimate of number of PWIDs who can be found there. L1 interviews were conducted at markets, parks, streets, etc. During L2, KI interviews were conducted at spots identified in L1. In L2 interviews, primary KI (PWIDs, bunk owners etc.) validated information collected during L1.
Results The study identified 3837 PWID spots in 10 states. The total size estimate for all PWIDs is 49,876 while the size of female PWIDs is 11,031 across10 states. Oyo state had the highest number of PWIDs (all) with an estimate of 14,741, followed by Kaduna 9,232, Kano 6,859 and Gombe 6,577. However for female PWIDs, Kaduna state had the highest 3,340, followed by Oyo 2,711, Abia 1,180 and Gombe 1,028.
Conclusion Through this study, Nigeria can plan and implement integrated HIV/Reproductive health services, where female PWIDs are located.
Disclosure No significant relationships.