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Book review
The pictorial atlas of common genito-urinary medicine
  1. Bryony Redfern
  1. Correspondence to Dr Bryony Redfern, The Archway Centre, 681-689 Holloway Road, London, N19 5SE, UK; bryony.redfern{at}

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Shiv Shanker Pareek. Published by Radcliffe Publishing, London, paperback, 2012, pp 192, £45. ISBN-10 184619475X ISBN-13 9781846194757

The words ‘Pictorial Atlas’ in this book's title had me eagerly anticipating its arrival and it does indeed feature pictures on almost every page. The author built up a collection of photographs during his 30 years of working in genitourinary medicine (GUM) in the UK and Saudi Arabia and describes the book as a ‘pictorial supplement’ to standard works on GUM.

The first chapter summarises the anatomy and function of the genitalia and reproductive organs. Although generally concise and clear, a little more 'applied' anatomy might have …

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