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Direct immunofluorescent test for the detection of gonorrhoea.
  1. J Klanica,
  2. M Stejskalová


    In the course of 4 years we have examined a total of 1,100 women with chronic gynaecological complaints. The direct fluorescent antibody test was used successfully for the detection of gonorrhoea. In Group 1 (200 patients) we found 39-1 per cent. with gonorrhoea. In group 2 (220 patients) the percentage fell to 27-7 per cent, in Group 3 (220 patients) to 23-2 per cent., in Group 4 (220 patients) to 12-3 per cent., and in Group 5 (220 patients) to 11-8 per cent. By employing a consistent programme of diagnosis and therapy we succeeded in reducing the incidence of gonorrhoea in the Prague 3 District from 39-1 per cent. in 1970 to 11-8 per cent. in 1973-74. In all we discovered 251 female patients suffering from gonorrhoea, who would otherwise have escaped observation and registration. When patients are not registered as sources of gonococcal infection, special cultures are not performed as a routine, and these women would therefore infect the same number of men at least. The immunofluorescent method proved to be of great value. The direct FAT is a superior test; even in cases in which, because of damage by such factors as antibiotics, Neisseria gonorrhoeae does not grow on artificial media, gonorrhoea can be detected by this method.

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